Photoshop Tutorial - Part 1

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009 à(s) 15:08

Step by Step

1: Choose an butterfly picture with color.

2: Open the picture in Photoshop Cs2 and go to: Image>ImageSize/Documents Size: 5 inches x 5 inches (example).

3: Duplicate the backround layer.

4: Select the top layer.

Follow this steps: Filter>Distort>Polar Coordinates and then choose: Polar to Rectangular.

Now in same layer, flip the image: Go to: Edit>Transform>Flip Vertical

Go again to: Filter>Distort>Polar Coordinates but this time choose: Rectangular to Polar.

Now click in the first backround layer and then make a new layer between both backround layers and fill it with black (In new blank layer go to: Edit>Fill and choose black.

After that go back to the 3rd Backround Layer and make a selection with Eliptical Marquee tool (M) arround the ball. After that go to Select>Inverse and then press delete. Go again Select>Inverse and then Deselect (Ctrl+D).

Now you have your ball and we need to add some cristal effects. Click on Dodge Tool (O) and choose a size and start to play with some brightness. You can use a Lens Flare too Filter>Renders>Lens Flare and put it in the place you like inside the ball.

If you have any doubts about this tutorial, please write a comment. If i need to put some print tell me please.

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